Let me introduce you to Goddess Fortuna, who is associated with luck, fate, and fortune.
She is sometimes depicted holding a cornucopia, a symbol of abundance and prosperity. This reflects her role in granting blessings and wealth to those she favours.
Goddess Fortuna is often seen as blindfolded to symbolize the randomness and impartiality of fate. It suggests that she bestows her gifts and misfortunes without regard to a person’s merits or virtues.
The connection between the Wheel of Fortune and the goddess Fortuna is central to her symbolism and mythology. The Wheel of Fortune, also known as the “Rota Fortunae” in Latin, prominently represents Fortuna’s role in determining the ups and downs of human fate and luck, with the wheel turning upward and downward.
It reminds us of the impermanence of worldly success and the need for humility in times of prosperity, as one’s fortune can change rapidly. Conversely, it offers hope in times of adversity, as one’s luck may improve. This lesson encourages individuals to remain grounded and not become too attached to their current circumstances.
Goddess Fortuna’s Message to Humanity
“Dear mortals,
I am Fortuna, the mistress of fate and the spinner of fortune’s wheel. My message to you is simple yet profound: Embrace the uncertainty of life, for it is the essence of your existence. Just as the wheel of fortune turns, so does your life’s course.
Remember that I am both a giver and a taker of fortune. Be humble and gracious in your moments of prosperity, for your blessings may not endure. And in your times of adversity, find resilience and hope, for the wheel may turn in your favour once more.
Do not despair when faced with the capriciousness of fate, for it is through challenge and change that you grow and evolve.
Seek not to control the wheel but to adapt to its rotations with courage and wisdom.
Know that luck is not solely determined by your actions but is often beyond your influence. Therefore, do your best in all your endeavors, but also accept that some outcomes are beyond your control.
In your pursuit of happiness, remember that true contentment lies not solely in the accumulation of wealth or status but in the acceptance of life’s ever-shifting circumstances. Cherish the present, learn from the past, and look to the future with hope.
Ultimately, I am a reminder of the impermanence of all things. Embrace the journey, savor its moments, and find meaning in the twists and turns of your individual and collective destinies.
May you live your lives with grace and resilience, knowing that I, Fortuna, am but one facet of the intricate tapestry of existence.
Fare thee well, mortals, and may the wheel of fortune turn in your favor when the time is right.”